Tim Ash’s Presentation on Trust Unravels Before Our Eyes

Velaro and Site Tuners scheduled a webinar yesterday titled Improving Online Conversions By Building Trust and Personalizing Messages. Tim Ash was supposed to present but unfortunately the event was grounded because of technical issues and they wound up canceling the webinar.

There was a chat client within the presentation viewer and it didn’t take long for audience members to start cracking jokes. Watch as the audience turns on the presenters – here’s the chat transcript as it happened.

Monica T: Good evening
Matt S: hello!
Glenn M: or good morning depending on where you are calling in from.
Bob H: hello
Sam H: hello
Monika S: Hello
Chris R: Hi from Calif
danna c: hello from Dallas
Jim R: Hello from Texas
Bas S: Netherlands
Y A: Hello from TN
Tom C: Los Angeles
Glenn M: SF Bay Area
Mark J: Hi from Las Vegas
Steve W: Hello from PA
Monika S: San Diego
LIndsey K: Oakland, CA
Chris W: hello from Utah
Bridget S: Hello from Minneapolis
Per H: hello from stockholm
Justin M: Hi from San Diego
flo b: hu from montreal
Michelle K: Panama City, Panama
Solon C: Hello from Irvine, CA
Bob K: Hello from Atlanta
rowe m: Santa Monica
Renee B: Hello from Wisconsin
Matt A: Hello from Optimizely in San Francisco!
Richard A: Richard Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Mike C: Hi from the moon
M A: Hello from Roseville, CA.
Wendy H: hello from Brentwood, TN
Gerald B: Hello from Irving, TX
Glenn M: Hey Matt Atlhauser. We love Optimizely.
tal h: hi from Silicon valley, CA (san mateo)
Matt A: Thanks Glenn!
Bob H: I do not see a picture. has this started yet?
James K: helloo from Chicagoland!
David N: Unable to select Connect for internet audio
M A: I keep being invited to choose a different audio device even though I can hear the elevator music.
ROBERTO A: Hello to everyone from Italy!
Wayne A: Helooo from Philly!
Cindy T: Hello from sunny San Diego!
Nell K: Hello all!
Glenn M: @Matt – Tell Dan Prosper says hi.
Joshua L: Hell from USA
Michelle K: The system keeps telling me my passcode is invalid.
Nicole v: Hi form Holland!
Morgan S: Hello from very hot Atlanta.
Alex K: HI from Canada
Bas S: hi from holland as wel
Bas S: Very bad sound here
Alan M: Audio not working
Marcos T: Hello from Sao Paulo/Brasil!
Cindy T: nobody really talking yet i think
danna c: audio not working
Claudio C: hello from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Chris R: i hear breathing / typing?
Cindy T: i hear background sounds
Joshua L: can not hear on the phone
Chuck B: Hello from North Dakota
Brian F: Hello from Massachusetts, USA
ALICE S: Hello from Connecticut.
Alex K: guys, be patient
Nicole v: Something goes wrong there
tal h: no sound , no picture .. is that what should be now ?
Bas S: any video streaming or just audio ?
Chris R: chillax
N S: no audio won’t connect
corey s: is anyone speaking yet
Solon C: this isn’t working…..just hear background noises
Alan M: any plans to fix the audio
Tim B: Are we supposed to be hearing anything yet?
Monica T: no audio, no video
t r: i hear crickets in chicago
Matt S: can’t hear anything either
Chris R: same crickets in LA
Dan A: My trust is waning
Wayne A: whoa, this is soo informative!
Glenn M: I am seeing session dtails and how to listen. sound is nothing but it seems to be working as I am hearing person breathing and now talking in background.
Suzanne G: i can hear Clare
Bil G: I just heard, “Can you go find out if Michael can hear me?”
Claudio C: We can hear someone speaking
Joshua L: same in Baltimore
Chris R: Tim rocks… he’ll make it happen
Tim B: We can hear you, mysterious lady.
adina t: I think I can hear Clare too
LIndsey K: no audio
Michael S: I was able to hear also
Joshua L: no audio
M A: I’m not hearing anything anymore.
Chris R: we have audio, no one is talking…
Monika S: no audio
t r: I hear nothing
danna c: no audio here
Michael S: I am on the phone
Michelle K: Hellloooo, can’t get into the teleconference, it keeps telling me I have the wrong passcode.
corey s: patience fellow listeners
luis h: Can’t hear anything
ROBERTO A: Sorry, I heard the music before but I don’t hear nothing since music stopped
tal h: somethings happening
Jelena U: wow, here it is
Chris R: let there be slides
Tim B: Michelle Korn, can you stream it online?
Claudio C: I can see a black screen now
Lynn G: is there audio through the computer or do you need to call in?
Glenn M: So a priest, a minister and a rabbi walk into a bar . . .
ALICE S: isn’t this fun!
Sultan G: no audio here in Canada
Suzanne G: ditto
Chris R: lol Glenn
Nicole v: whoohooo!!
Michelle K: I’d have to try w/ my laptop as I don’t have my speakers hooked into my desktop.
Krissy M: way better than working
t r: I have a picture of the presentation but it sounds like some one is talking underwater.
Margaret M: i agree
ROBERTO A: Apollo 13, can you hear me?
Monica T: no audio
Claudio C: This webmeeting was sscheduled to start at 3:00pM EST…
Joshua L: I can not hear
Alan M: just background noise
M A: I have video and background noise but no speaking.
Jim R: Houston we have a problem
N S: still no audio only visual
flo b: no audio
Jim D: No one is talking yet!
Joshua L: same
Brian P: say something so I know if I have audio or not….
Wendy H: just background noise
luis h: I hear some heavy breathing
Alan M: so much for velaro
adina t: did you start the presentation?
Casey M: Hello everyone and welcome to the webinar. We are having some difficulty but hope you will hang in for a couple minutes while we work things out.
Glenn M: @Roberto. Houston, we have a problem.
Claudio C: It’s already 3:07 PM E.ST
chris m: Speaker:can you speak. I think it is working.. say few words
Jo G: hoping for a replay with all the trimmings
Tim B: Luis, luck you.
Nell K: Fix the audio.
Alan M: signing off soon
Joshua L: I can hear in the backround
Chris W: No sound!
Jared S: alot of energetic fingers for this point in the afternoon
Jim D: I can definitely hear people moving around in the background.
luis h: Yep, bkgnd noise
Claudio C: Good luck
Krissy M: writing notes for my boss is going to be epic
Jo G: yay for followup!
Cindy T: is somebody supposed to be talking?
Pat T: I cannot hear anything…
Wendy H: the slides are moving but no one is talking
Alan M: Is any one reading this
Chris W: I hope they do a recording of this that works
M A: Just heard phone tones
adina t: I can not hear you too
Lynn G: is there audio through the computer?
Sultan G: chocking sound!
Florence A: I can not hear anything
Kevin C: heard you
Chris R: yes, now
Suzanne G: yes
Claudio C: Tim Ash rocks!
Bil G: no one can hear anything
M A: Heard her
Brian P: I hear you!
Sultan G: we can hear you
Matt S: heard that
Debra C: yes now
luis h: yes
Robert P: we have sound
Molly T: I heard you.
adina t: yes now I heard you
Flavia C: yes
Jo G: heard something
Krissy M: we hear you
Glenn M: heard that
Chris R: heard woman…
Solon C: i heard you
Justin M: yes
Nicole v: no we do
Tim B: Let’s all just be patient. =)
James K: Audio works via phone here..
Joshua L: i heard that
Alan M: Can not hear – lots of background noise
t r: Just heard clare
danna c: heard you
M A: No more talking?
Em L: i just heard something
Mike C: heard it now
Debra C: now nothing….
Jared S: we have a caffeine pandemic on our hands in the chat room
Chris R: mysterious woman, say something
Alan M: are you planning to reschedule
Vladmir D: Greetings from mother Russia
Brian P: its gone now
adina t: But I think you should start from the begining
Edna C: greatings from MEXICO
ML O: Just heard, “Q”, you can’t hear me at all on the phone line but not my computer speakers.
Joshua L: same
luis h: Can you hear me now? haha
Sam W: Please speak again
chris m: Clare. we can hear U ..
Kristen W: We have no audio either!
Jo G: lol luis
Florence A: I hear a droning sound
Nina D: I see about our presenters but can’t hear anyone, hear something though
ML O: No, can’t hear luis.
Mike C: Clare? U there?
John M: I think they need some audio optimization
ROBERTO A: I heard a voice! The voice told me to go through the desert and save the people of Las Vegas from perdition…
chris m: say something in French
Vladmir D: I hear nothing
Monica T: No audio. Sorry guys, I’m off to watch CSI.
Tim B: ML, you need to have things turned WAY UP on the comp speakers.
Gert C: Greetings from Dallas! No audio…
Chet F: #technology
Joshua L: i herd clare
Jason S: i hear some typing
Michelle K: Hello
luis h: Merde! That’s French for “I can’t hear anything”
Jim D: It’s like somone’s laptop is the live mic, not the one they think is live
Chris R: i’m not trusting the “building trust” webinar…
Dan L: WUK?
Viki B: lol
luis h: hahaha
Michelle K: I can’t use my laptop, b/c it knows I’m in session on the desktop.
Jane D: no audio via internet connection and just called in to the dial in number as well, still no audio. 10 minutes later………
Michelle K: Why won’t your teleconference work???
John M: The audio may need some “tuning”
John H: Hi from Oklahoma
Vladmir D: Time to hit the bottle again
Dan L: This is my favorite webinar ever!!
ML O: Again, just faint background noises of people working…
Jared S: #office_space baseball bat to computer screen
Michelle K: And I don’t want to shut it down on my desktop b/c who knows if I’ll even get back.
Alan M: This is not “Humanizing the Online exsperience”
Michelle K: LOL
Brian P: Hellllooooo? Bueler….Bueler….
Chris R: i have audio running on pc and phone, neither is working
Jason W: wonder if this is cheaper than go2meeting
ML O: with the person typing the loudest/closest.
M A: @Vladimir, are you still in Odessa?
Vladmir D: In Russia, webniars come to you
Chet F: haha
ALICE S: I am learning so much.
Carolyn R: Not building much trust here
Gert C: I truly understand mechanical errors from all my own presentation goof-ups. LOL

I guess that’s what you get for trying to offer some free content! I’m hoping they reschedule so we can hear what they had to say but had to share the comments from the peanut gallery.

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